Your profession defines your scope,
Your passion widens your canvas,
A Psychiatrist by Profession,
A Motivator by Passion.
一 Dr. Samyak Tiwari
I have a vision! Want to know about it?
I have the vision to create a generation that is mentally robust and competent to handle any adversity thrown into their path. They should not be deterred by small obstacles and should have the courage to jump those hurdles tactfully. With this vision in my eyes, I want to achieve the goal where I can work to bring a change in the mindset; a change that allows people to turn dead situations into positive ones.
Too optimistic right? However, what’s a vision and goal that doesn’t challenge the status quo of society?
Hi, I am Dr. Samyak Tiwari. A psychiatrist by profession and motivational speaker by passion. It is my lifelong passion to motivate people in the most optimistic manner I can. With anecdotes and day-to-day scenarios, I try to mould my observations in a manner that can help people improve a facet of their lives. I trust that Psychiatry and Motivation are correlated. Be it psychiatry or motivation, they both work for the same cause. One rewires our brain, the other programs our intentions. Perhaps, this is a reason why I found this blend extremely relatable!
I believe in our pursuit of materialistic pleasures, we are lagging on the most basic essence of our life and are not asking the right questions. In the quest to find the right WHY to our Hows and Whats, here I am infusing life into my goal. With my experience as a psychiatrist and a burning desire of a motivational speaker, I am geared up to punch above our mind’s weight and its barrier. I am ready to bring our vision to life. Are you with me?

What I Do, Why I do?
Coupling Psychiatry with Motivation has been a blessing for me! It has given me profound ways to help people and enhance their lives.

Who Am I?
Born and brought up in Lucknow, I did my schooling at La Martinière Boys’ College. Ever since my school days, I was fascinated by how people think, behave, and do things that they do. The thoughts, their stories, and the complexity of mind intrigued me to pick something that was different in terms of a traditional approach.
Yes, I wanted to be a doctor; but, more importantly, I wanted to be a mind-programmer. Hence, I picked psychiatry as my subject for medicals and post-graduation. I completed my post-grad in psychiatry in 2010 and, since then, have been learning and developing myself in this field as a professional psychiatrist.
Psychiatry as a career
Intrigued by the chemical complications of the brain, I was moved by the stories I came across during my initial days. However, there was something that made me unsatisfied with my job. I was working in the most traditional manner.
I was listening, prescribing medicines for stress anxiety and depression, but the cure was different.
I felt that my medication was uplifting the mood of my patient, artificially, but only for a brief moment. For healing, one needs to understand the underlying cause for their dullness, trauma and stress; and, for that, one needs to dive deeper. Unless we don’t remove that trauma, giving medication will be of no use! Yes, psychiatry has its connection with genetics; still, there are cases where doctors have failed to establish any connection between the patient and its background! It was during this period, I came to realize that the cause of human misery is biological. I have to add value to this profession as well as the person. I have to introduce something new. I have to be more than a psychiatrist for anxiety. This is where motivation and inspiration kicked in. Thus my quest to improve lives around me.

Motivation as Passion
Our today defines everything. Our stars, nakshatras, and the n-number of cosmic factors depend on what we do today. Even our win depends on today.
A win is an acronym that stands for What’s Important Now! I am working as a motivational speaker to set the frame right and bring an optimistic change in people’s lives.
Sometimes motivation can work better than medication. A line, a word, or sentiment can pave the way for a stress-free life. I figured that making people understand the importance of gratitude boosted their mood and quality of life.
Motivating them was not just an activity for me, it became my passion. My desire grew and I worked to ensure that I touch as many souls as I can to make them the torchbearer of optimism.
With meaningful words and empathy, I understood that motivation can improve relationships, it can give clarity and confidence. Thus, with an acute knowledge of psychiatry and an undying passion for motivation, I began my journey as a motivational speaker on YouTube.
However, my efforts cannot diminish your pain and misery. It cannot! They are just tools that I am equipping you with. My motivation, my words are not new. They have been spoken before, they will be said in the future; but, it’s you who will make all the difference. Your mindfulness, your willingness will help me in achieving our collective goal of a stress-free mentally robust generation.
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Dr. Samyak hears to all the problems of the patients very calmly. In my case he tries to provide me with the most valuable insights to the problem I am facing. He is an amazing psychiatrist and not only helped me improve my mental condition medically but also helped me as a friend and heard all the that I had in mind.

I got plenty of help for Dr. Samyak Tiwari. I started my therapy with him almost 4 months ago and