There are different types of schizophrenia that people must know about!!
But before talking about the different types of schizophrenia you must know about what is schizophrenia exactly:
Well, Schizophrenia is a psychological state condition related to unusual expressions or perceptions of reality. It can cause significant social or occupational dysfunction.
It can feature auditory hallucinations, or hearing things that aren’t there. Less commonly, the person may experience visual hallucinations, during which they see things that don’t exist in the real world at all.
There could also be bizarre or paranoid delusions, and disorganized speech and thinking.
Schizophrenia is generally diagnosed in early adulthood. Us (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimate that schizophrenia affects between 0.6 to 1 percent of the worldwide population in the recent times.

Classification and Diagnosis
Though there are a different types of schizophrenia that different people deal with and here we are going to list those different types of schizophrenia for you to read and identify the type of schizophrenia you have:
Schizophrenia may be a serious psychological state issue that could not only hurt the individual suffering from it but also results in making huge damages to the people living around that individual.
In the past, there have been different types of schizophrenia, including:
- paranoid schizophrenia
- disorganized, or hebephrenia
- catatonic schizophrenia
- childhood schizophrenia
- schizoaffective disorder
In 2013 the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-V) changed the tactic of classification to bring of these categories under one heading: schizophrenia.
According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the choice to eliminate these various subtypes was supported the conclusion that they had “limited diagnostic stability, low reliability, and poor validity.” it had been concluded that they didn’t help to supply better treatment or to predict how patients would answer treatment.
Two other important changes were made to the diagnostic criteria in 2013.
One was the removal of the need for an individual to experience bizarre delusions and to listen to two or more voices talking during an acousma to receive a positive diagnosis.
The second was that to receive a diagnosis, an individual must have a minimum of one among the subsequent symptoms:
- hallucinations
- delusions
- disorganized speech

Different Types Of Schizophrenia
The following won’t be subtypes of schizophrenia. Determine what has changed within the use of those categories.
Schizoaffective Disorder
A person with the first type of schizophrenia among all the different types of schizophrenia i.e. schizoaffective disorder experiences a mixture of schizophrenia symptoms, like hallucinations and delusions, and mood disorder symptoms, like mania or depression.
In the past, the person had to possess both sets of symptoms at an equivalent time to receive a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder.
The DSM-V update in 2013 now says that to be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, an individual must have experienced mood disorders for many of the time they need also had the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia, from once they first started having symptoms up to this.
Catatonia one of the most terrible schizophrenia among the different types of schizophrenia and includes extremes of behavior:
Catatonia can include excessive and peculiar motor behaviors, sometimes mentioned as catatonic excitement
Catatonia also can include decreased motor activity and engagement.
For instance, people during a catatonic stupor demonstrate a dramatic reduction in activity, where the patient cannot speak, move, or respond. Virtually all movements stop.
Catatonia can occur with schizophrenia and a variety of other conditions including manic depression.
For this reason, it’s now considered a specifier for schizophrenia and other mood disorders, instead of a kind of schizophrenia.

Childhood-onset schizophrenia
The symptoms of different types of schizophrenia normally appear during early adulthood, but they will sometimes emerge during childhood, at the age of 10 years or earlier. It’s extremely rare, with an incidence of about 0.04 percent.
If schizophrenia occurs during childhood, it’s very serious, and treatment is required.
However, healthy children can experience hallucinations, so if this happens, it doesn’t mean that a toddler has schizophrenia.
Disorganized schizophrenia, or hebephrenia
On number 4th in the different types of schizophrenia is the one proving that Disorganized thinking and behavior are features of schizophrenia. The person may have incoherent and illogical thoughts and speech.
This can make it difficult to perform daily activities, like preparing meals and taking care of private hygiene, or washing. People might not be ready to understand what the patient is saying. this will cause frustration and agitation.
While disorganization may be a feature of schizophrenia, it’s not considered a separate subtype.
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Last among the different types of schizophrenia is the paranoid schizophrenia. While delusions can still be key to a diagnosis of schizophrenia, this is often not considered a separate subtype of the disorder.
The neurosis in neurotic schizophrenia originates from fancies—sacred convictions that persevere regardless of proof in actuality — and pipedreams — seeing or hearing things that others don’t.
Both of these encounters can be persecutory or undermining in nature. A patient may hear a voice or voices in their mind that they don’t perceive as their own musings or inside voice. These voices can be belittling or threatening, driving an individual to do things they would not do something else.
Odd, untypical conduct streams because of these fancies and mind flights. Somebody with schizophrenia might be persuaded that the administration is surveilling them trying to hurt them here and there.
This can prompt barricading their home, passing out windows, placing objects before ways to obstruct section, and in any case, blocking or evacuating things they accept contain listening gadgets or cameras. They may keep awake until late around evening time to get guilty parties.
Somebody with dynamic distrustful schizophrenia is devoured by their daydreams or pipedreams. Most by far of their vitality and consideration are centered around keeping to and securing their dishonestly held convictions or perceptual distortions.7
So this is all about different types of schizophrenia, there are a number of schizophrenia types and to identify them is not a very easy task, therefore, you should consult a psychiatrist of you feel that you or someone close to you has one of the different types of schizophrenia.
You can either contact us online or call us at 9889493508 to get yourself a session booked with the best psychiatrist in Lucknow.