Have you recently gone through a breakup? Can’t understand how to stay positive after breakup? Having too many negative thoughts about your ex? If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions, This is the article for you.
Breakups are painful. It’s like shelling-off of your identity. Everything seems bleak and one starts questioning their own worth. It doesn’t matter who broke up with whom or whether it was a mutual decision, the pain is inevitable. That’s because the emotional triggers of a breakup actually fire up the same neural pathways that transmit physical pain.
But one can rise above the pain. There is—like in all events of life—a lesson to learn here too. And learning that lesson can ease, if not eradicate, the pain.
In this article, we present 9 Scientifically Proven Tips on How To Stay Positive After Breakup. We hope these tips can help you see the silver lining in this dull situation. So let’s get started.
1. Cut All Contact
How To Stay Positive After Breakup Tip 1: Unfriend Your Ex Both online and offline!
After the breakup, you might be tempted to contact your ex. This is a bad idea. Looking at their social media feed or stalking them would only cause more pain. So as the first tip on How To Stay Positive After Breakup, we recommend you to cut out all connections with your ex. Unfriend them on all social networks. Delete their contacts. Trust us, you’ll feel better.
2. Try Avoiding Any Big Life Decision

A person in pain will do anything to alleviate it, no matter how absurd it may appear later on. The same applies to breakups too. It might seem great to get a tattoo or sell your house to move somewhere else or take up any other such big life decision, but it is not. You must understand that your judgement is clouded by grief. Until it heals, taking such a decision would only lead to regret later.
3. Eat Healthy, Sleep Well and Exercise

A lot of time is wasted in breakups on thinking about the past. And it is important to break out of this loop. One excellent way to do this is by heading to the nearest gym. By exercising, you can work on your emotions, frustrations and anger and channel them towards creating a healthy body and a calmer mind.
Sleep is crucial for the body to recover from the day’s stress. Do give your body one. Ample amount of sleep recharges your focus, productivity and happiness. And when you are recharged, you tend to be more positive than your sleep-deprived ‘zombie’ self.
We also recommend eating healthy foods that enliven your health and make sure you don’t have more problems (lifestyle diseases) during this already problematic time.
4. Catch Up On Your Aspirations

As said before, breakups take up a lot of energy and time. But think of it this way, a large chunk of your time and energy has been handed back to you. Why not use it to catch up on your hobbies?
Make a list of all the things you’ve always wanted to do and start working towards them. Engaging in what inspires you can help mute the negative mental chatter of the mind. So make sure you create this “Bucket list” today.
5. Practice Gratitude

We have said it many times in numerous articles, practising gratitude is an amazing exercise to improve positivity and general well being. And it becomes especially important when a person goes through a breakup.
We, humans, tend to remember the negative events that occur to us more vividly than the good ones (source). This naturally leads to higher anxiety and lack of positivity. By practising gratitude we are actively recalling all the good things that happen to us. This makes us feel more positive.
Do this: think of 10 things that you’re grateful for, every morning before getting off the bed. You can also try gratitude journaling.
6. Give Your Room And Yourself a Makeover

Tidying up your room as well yourself can help during such a low time of your life. Apart from helping you stay out of the negative thoughts loop, it also helps you liven up your surroundings which can boost your well-being.
Go for shopping, get your hair done, paint your room, do whatever helps you and your surrounding change and break out of the negativity.
7. Survive Today

When you are in a relationship, it’s natural to think ahead. You might have done the same for your ex too. You might have imagined a shared future. Now after the breakup, that future must be seeming distant and distressing, and it’s okay to feel this way.
If the stresses of the tomorrow are too daunting, know that you don’t have to think about them. take little steps. Don’t worry what will happen tomorrow, just try living today.
8. Connect With Your Family and Friends

A person going through a breakup is prone to shirking away from people. Don’t do that. this overwhelming feeling of negativity you’re dealing with is too hard to be dealt with alone. Talk to someone. Reconnect with your near and dear ones. Start going to social gatherings to meet your relatives and friends. Catch up on them.
Sometimes we don’t need advice or help, we just need someone to listen to us. Sounds relatable to you?
9. Accept the problem

Of All the tips that we have talked about throughout in our article on How To Stay Positive After Breakup, this one is the most important. You must realise the problem in order to solve it. The first step in healing is the act of accepting that there is something wrong in the first place. And it’s totally okay if accepting this makes you cry. It’s okay if it makes you sad. This simply points out that you’re a human, with feelings and emotions.
In the beginning, we said that going through a breakup is much like shelling off your identity. It’s extremely difficult to leave a particular person when he/she had become a part of your identity. But it’s what we must do. Why? Because sometimes the only way out is straight through.
Final Words
Don’t try to follow all these steps at once, try them out one at a time, slowly and consistently.
Avoid any sort of contact whatsoever, ensure that you’re caring for your body and mind by exercising and sleeping properly. When the urge rises to stalk your ex, try reconnecting with your friends and families. Work on your bucket list when free. And if it all seems too overwhelming, take a deep breath and try to remember: you just have to make it through the day. And you will. We trust you.
There is a reason why it is called breakup and not a breakdown: it transforms you into a better version of yourself and thus ups your life.
Thanks for reading this article on 9 Scientifically Proven Tips on How To Stay Positive After Breakup. If you want more information regarding this topic you can check our additional resources. We hope these tips help clear out the inner turmoil that is wreathing in your heart and mind. This a tough journey but it will be all worth it when you’ll come out from the other side, transformed.